• Sharing spaces boosts synergy.


    Love2Learn Valley is an extraordinary space.

  • Space conditions our actions. It can open up a world of possibilities or make us want to be elsewhere.


    Space design is at the core of Love2Learn Valley. It has to host and allow for every person to find a place where to feel comfortable and supported. It also needs to address the needs of small and large groups, to serve the community as a gathering point.


    Love2Learn Valley´s space design follows five principles: Re-connect, Be Natural, Generate Edges, Flow, and Embody the Essence.

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    Love2Learn Valley generates the conditions for each person to develop its full potential within a learning community. And it does so by helping humans to re-connect with their love for learning.


    We all have different needs when it comes to learning. We might need to be isolated and in silence, in the middle of a loud gathering or peacefully among just a few others. We might need just a tiny space to read, a huge table to experiment or an open space to move freely. We might have special tools. Or not.


    Whatever the situation is, Love2Learn Valley´s space is designed to support and boost the best possible conditions that foster deep learning.


    Concept Image: We Grow NY

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    Be Natural

    We are an indivisible part of Nature. We are inspired by the natural movement and we admire human creativity.


    Love2Learn Valley is designed to use every technological development in service of the re-connection with our natural essence.


    Love2Learn Valley is not a traditional campus.


    We are biophilic. We take into account how Nature would have solved our needs, we get immersed in wild spaces as much as we can, and we also bring Nature into the interiors.


    Concept Image: Bird´s Nest at Amazon by NBBJ

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    Generate Edges

    We take into account the concept of "edge" that, in permaculture, indicates those spaces in which different ecosystems overlap.


    That's where innovation occurs.


    Love2Learn is designed so that interesting things happen in each space but, above all, to create the edge conditions that bring up the unexpected.

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    What is the minimum amount of order we need for chaos to flow freely?


    Too much order leads to the quiet of the cemeteries. Nothing new happens.


    Too much chaos leads to destruction and loss of energy.


    Love2Learn Valley is a chaordic space. We generate the conditions for the energy of chaos to be channeled organically, without losing its strength.


    Concept Image: Ørestad College by 3XN

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    Embody the Essence

    We love the metaphor of the dandelion growing through the asphalt.


    We believe it crystalizes the essence of the Love2Learn Valley: inner, natural and profound wisdom breaking through artificial “improvement”.


    It is Life that bursts and flourishes in its own unique way. We want to encompass, honor, and celebrate that.

  • Welcome to Love2Learn Valley.

    The first biophilic Learning Ecosystem on earth.