• The Seedbed


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    Love to Learn


    Love to Learn is at the very heart of the project. All dimensions intersect, and this one is the guiding star.


    The VUCA (volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous) world we are living in calls for us to re-connect with our ancestral superpower: learning.


    It is not enough to acquire knowledge. The speed of development demands that we are able to switch, shift, move, and make decisions as rapidly as never before.


    We must learn to learn. And we must learn to love learning.

    As soon as possible.

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    The Seedbed


    The Seedbed is the Valley´s power plant. It´s the space where we take care of the seeds of learnings the Valley is producing, and we spread them globally. It´s also the space where we receive new seeds, nurture them, and eventually grow them in the Valley. The Seedbed ensures we are permanently innovating and pollinating what we do.


    The Seedbed is an Institute of Applied Sciences in Learning. It serves as a place where to bring and generate new ideas, put them into practice, and share the findings. It provides knowledge, tools, and practices related to Learning to Learn in the areas of:


    * Executive Learning (organizational learning, leading for learning, collaborative environments, etc.)

    * Teacher Learning (transformation from teacher to catalyzer; novel Teacher Learning)

    * Life Learning (life hacks, philosophy, upbringing, etc.)


    The Seedbed puts learning at the center of the scene and serves the academic, business and community spheres with a strong international flavor. It uses an Event Centre and Learning Rooms as natural spaces to re-connect with the Community.

  • International Learning Hub - Teacher, Executive & Life

  • Academic Research - Applied Sciences

  • Events - Pollinate and Spread

  • Welcome to Love2Learn Valley.

    The first biophilic Learning Ecosystem on earth.